The Speed Dating format implies that in addition to attending the main program and tasting new products in the Future Food Alley, you will personally meet at least 10 new people from the industry.

These could be entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, or specialized industry professionals, employees of related companies, or representatives of various types of companies.

This is a format for making horizontal acquaintances within the community. We will be carefully monitoring to prevent any sales pitches.

The number of so-called “rounds” will depend on the number of interested participants. One round lasts 40 minutes, and it involves 20 people. That’s 10 tables, placed at a distance from each other so that people can comfortably communicate without disturbing the neighboring table. The time for short introduction-dialogues is 4 minutes. After the time is up, one of the participants changes interlocutors (moves to another table).

Each participant of the format will be admitted into 1 of the rounds and will receive a special brochure with the data and contacts of other participants. In this way, they will end up with 10 personal new contacts and 50 virtual ones, with whom they can communicate later.

Если вы хотите стать одним из участников Speed Dating, то заполните форму до 1 мая. Все указанные вами данные будут использоваться в анкете и доступны другим участникам формата. 


Описание, которое будет рядом с вашим именем в брошюре